Cowell Chiropractic Blog
The Best Way to Help a Baby With Colic
As any parent who has ever had a colicky baby can attest to, colic is not a fun time. Colic can be overwhelming, confusing, and heart-wrenching for new (and likely sleep-deprived) parents. Fortunately, there is help. What Is Colic And How Can I Tell If I Have A Colicky Baby? For those fortunate parents who…
6 Natural Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis
There’s nothing worse than pain that affects your feet. Foot pain makes it hard to do even the most basic daily activities. Even worse, it can have an impact on the rest of your body, especially if left untreated long enough. Injections, medications, and surgery are options to treat plantar fasciitis; however, these six natural…
Why Outdoor Time is Important for Kids
Due to the boom in technology, kids are spending more and more time inside in front of video games and smartphones and spending less time outside. Why is that such a big deal? Why Outdoor Play is Important American children are busier now than ever before. Between school, extra-curricular activities, and the lure of video…
How Long Should Pain Last After a Car Accident?
It’s normal to experience some soreness and pain after being involved in a car accident. The problem is knowing when the pain has lingered too long and could be an indicator of something more serious. It’s normal to be sore for a few hours, maybe even a few days after a car accident. However, if…
When To Return To Work After An Accident
Documenting your injuries from the moment the accident occurs until you have reached your full recovery is vital. It not only tells your chiropractor when it is time for you to return to work, but helps validate your personal injury claim and its value. There are a lot of other things that can help or…
7 Sciatica Myths vs. Facts
Sciatica pain occurs anywhere along the large nerve, or sciatic nerve, that runs down the lower spine and into the legs. When the pain is severe, you want nothing more than to make it go away. Let us break down the facts vs. the myths so you can get on the road to recovery. Sciatica…