Cowell Chiropractic Blog

5 Little-Known Chiropractic Treatments

5 Little-Known Chiropractic Treatments

Everyone knows that a chiropractor can offer spinal alignments. They can “crack” your back and make you feel brand new again. People tend to think of their chiropractor as someone whose only task is to align the spine, but they’re missing out on the other holistic measures available to them.  What preventative care services are…

6 Simple Stretches for Lower Back Pain

6 Simple Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Many people seek out stretches that will help with lower back pain, as it is a fairly common problem. Back pain is caused by numerous factors, such as underlying conditions like kidney stones or it could be a side effect, as with repetitive movements, awkward lifting, or a sedentary lifestyle.  Stretching can’t fix every type…

Discover a Unique Solution for Sleep Issues

Discover a Unique Solution for Sleep Issues

Getting your proper ZZZs is so critical to your overall health. Sleep delivers all sorts of good health benefits, including lowered blood pressure, steadier blood sugar, strengthened immune system, and weight control. Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings, problems with decision-making, and memory issues. If you’re having a hard time clocking in that magical…

Banish Bulging Disc Back Pain

Banish Bulging Disc Back Pain

You probably know that your spine is made up of dozens of tiny bones to encapsulate your spinal cord. We often think that oddities in the bone are the root cause of back pain. But did you know that there are important pieces of tissue in between these bones that can cause great pain when…

Ways to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Ways to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Upwards of 10 million Americans are impacted by carpal tunnel syndrome. While in recent years, the dramatic increase in employee time spent on computers and the poor ergonomics that may be associated with this increase has been identified as the root cause for many cases, carpal tunnel syndrome has actually been around since the mid-nineteenth…

Send Sciatica Pain Packing

Send Sciatica Pain Packing

Whether you are an athlete, a student, a professional, or a retiree, sciatic pain can affect you and turn a great day into a bad one. What if there were some ways to help prevent and treat your sciatica that might not cost you much time or money? Sciatica, or the pain caused by the…