Cowell Chiropractic Blog

Treat Leg Length Discrepancy Without Surgery

Treat Leg Length Discrepancy Without Surgery

Lower back pain is incredibly common around the world, causing more disability than any other condition. According to the CDC, it is the most common type of pain with 25% of U.S. adults reporting lower back pain.  Causes of lower back pain can vary and include compressed discs, pinched nerves, and pulled muscles. However, another…

Exercise and Self-Care for Spinal Osteoarthritis

Exercise and Self-Care for Spinal Osteoarthritis

Spinal osteoarthritis – or spondylosis – is associated with aging and often affects the spine’s vertebrae and discs. Sometimes called degenerative disc disease, spondylosis does not always have symptoms, but is a common cause of spinal pain and problems.  Spondylosis occurs as the body ages and the discs that cushion the bones of the spine…

Best for Back Pain: Cane, Walker, or Something Surprisingly Different

Best for Back Pain: Cane, Walker, or Something Surprisingly Different

If you have a spinal condition or are unbalanced, you may notice that it impacts your daily functioning, from walking through the grocery store to climbing stairs to simply walking through your home. Not only can pain be an issue, but you may struggle with balance and proper functioning of your legs.  Using a cane…

Heal Tailbone Pain Quickly and Safely

Heal Tailbone Pain Quickly and Safely

People often refer to difficult tasks as being a pain in the behind, but a real pain on the backside is no joking matter. Coccydynia is a pain that affects the spine’s tailbone and results from a fall or from regular jarring motions, such as riding a bike. Coccydynia refers to pain in the area…

Managing Diabetic Symptoms Naturally

Managing Diabetic Symptoms Naturally

Diabetes causes many issues in the body, including the musculoskeletal system. High blood glucose levels can damage the body’s organs, including the kidneys, eyes, gums, feet, and nerves. Problems that are specific to the musculoskeletal system include muscle pain, joint pain or stiffness, joint swelling, decreased ability to move your joints, and a “pins and…

Proper Office Ergonomics and Sitting Position to Prevent Pain

Proper Office Ergonomics and Sitting Position to Prevent Pain

We sit at our desks and slouch over our computers all day at work. While we may not be able to change our workday, we can change our posture to avoid constant back and neck pain. Proper office ergonomics can include things like chair height, location of often used objects, and most importantly, your posture.…