Cowell Chiropractic Blog

Managing Diabetic Symptoms Naturally

Managing Diabetic Symptoms Naturally

Diabetes causes many issues in the body, including the musculoskeletal system. High blood glucose levels can damage the body’s organs, including the kidneys, eyes, gums, feet, and nerves. Problems that are specific to the musculoskeletal system include muscle pain, joint pain or stiffness, joint swelling, decreased ability to move your joints, and a “pins and…

Proper Office Ergonomics and Sitting Position to Prevent Pain

Proper Office Ergonomics and Sitting Position to Prevent Pain

We sit at our desks and slouch over our computers all day at work. While we may not be able to change our workday, we can change our posture to avoid constant back and neck pain. Proper office ergonomics can include things like chair height, location of often used objects, and most importantly, your posture.…

It’s Not Just For Swimmers: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Swimmer’s Shoulder

It’s Not Just For Swimmers: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Swimmer’s Shoulder

Swimmer’s shoulder is a painful condition most commonly found in competitive swimmers involving the tendons in the shoulder. Sometimes called shoulder impingement, swimmer’s shoulder results from swollen and inflamed tendons that press on the coracoacromial arch, which consists of bones and ligaments in the shoulder. Swimming requires the upper extremities for movement along with above…

Prevent Debilitating Migraine Pain with These Simple Treatments

Prevent Debilitating Migraine Pain with These Simple Treatments

Migraine headaches cause terrible throbbing pain as well as sensitivity to light and sound. They can be so debilitating that they stop you in your tracks and prevent you from functioning normally. If you’ve ever experienced the severe pain of a migraine, you’ll understand why you would want to do anything you can to prevent…

Why Unseen Injuries From an Accident Matter

Why Unseen Injuries From an Accident Matter

Being in a car accident is a scary situation. Whether it’s a major accident or a fender bender, you may have experienced an injury. Car accidents result in two types of injuries: those seen and those not seen. Visible injuries include things like broken bones, cuts, and scrapes. However unseen injuries – like concussions, internal…

7 Steps to Managing Chronic Pain

7 Steps to Managing Chronic Pain

Everyone experiences pain in their life. Whether it’s a mild headache or the result of major surgery, pain happens.  Pain is a reaction of the nervous system that alerts your body that you may be injured. If you get hurt, pain signals will travel up your spinal cord from the injured area to your brain…