Cowell Chiropractic Blog
Anaheim CA Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs
Anaheim CA Chiropractor Discusses Herniated Discs One of the back conditions that patients routinely visit an Anaheim CA chiropractor for is a herniated disc. This type of injury generally responds well to chiropractic treatment so it’s wise to schedule an appointment in the early stages. Herniated disc treatment can help patients avoid prescription pain medications…
The Causes & Best Treatment For Piriformis Syndrome
Hip pain. Pain and numbness that runs down the back of the legs. Pain and tingling in the center of your butt. Pain. Pain. Pain! If you can relate to these symptoms, chances are you’ve been suffering from piriformis syndrome on some level. Though the symptoms can be highly uncomfortable and seemingly constant, there are…
The Link Between Posture and Neck Pain and Headaches
You know the feeling— when you wake up, it’s the first thing to greet you. When you go to bed, it’s the last thing you think about. Small movements throughout the day act as reminders of its presence. Achiness and fatigue seem to dominate your waking hours. If you’re struggling with neck and shoulder pain…
Headache Tips from an Anaheim CA Chiropractic Office
Headache Tips from an Anaheim CA Chiropractic Office Just about everyone in Anaheim CA suffers from headaches once in a while. Most of them don’t require any kind of medical attention and gradually subside with time. It is when a headache starts to interfere with your daily activities or takes them over completely that you…
Take Control Of Lower Back Pain With These 3 Exercises
If you’ve been plagued by lower back pain and discomfort, you’re not alone. An astonishing 80 percent of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Not to mention, it is also the leading cause of job-related disability and is cited as the number one reason for missed work time. For a…
Sedentary Lifestyle Linked to Poor Health
Do you spend hours sitting at a desk while working? Does your day involve staring at a screen for focused periods of time? Do you notice your posture struggling with the surprising demands of sitting? You’re not alone. The average American now spends more than 10 hours per day in front of a screen. As…