Cowell Chiropractic Blog

Diet and Joint Inflammation— Are They Connected?

Diet and Joint Inflammation— Are They Connected?

Ever feel achy after eating fried foods? Or your joints feel a little stiffer after that fast food run the day before?   What you eat matters, particularly if you are prone to joint inflammation. Knowing which foods help your joints and which should be avoided are essential to maintaining a healthy, functioning body— and relieving…

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Anaheim?

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Anaheim CA?

Is Chiropractic ok for Pregnancy in Anaheim CA? There is a big debate over the merits and safety of having chiropractic treatment during pregnancy. Some people claim that it is dangerous to both the mother and the developing baby, while others say it is safe and provides a variety of health benefits.  The truth is…

Watch Your Back: Common Back Injuries From Car Accidents

Watch Your Back: Common Back Injuries From Car Accidents

Have you been in a car accident recently? Are you experiencing lingering back pain? If so, you’re one of many. In the estimated 4.5 million people who were injured in car accidents in 2018 alone, the most common injuries were related to the neck or back areas.  Back injuries can range in severity, but also…

4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Boosts Athletes’ Health

4 Ways Chiropractic Treatment Boosts Athletes’ Health

Are you training for a marathon, participating in a regular competitive tennis game, or a big fan of rock climbing? From weight control to keeping heart disease at bay to boosting your mood, the health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore.  But all pro athletes will tell you there’s a…

are you looking for a top chiropractor

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Anaheim CA?

What Are The Educational Requirements For A Chiropractor in Anaheim CA? Have you ever wondered how many years your Anaheim CA chiropractor went to school or how their education compares to that of other health care professionals? Knowing your doctor’s educational background and additional certifications is often essential to helping you choose the health care…

Child Car Seat Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

Child Car Seat Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

It’s shocking but true: a child is involved in a car accident once every 33 seconds.  It’s essential for you to know how to keep your child safe from injury (including neck and back pain) when you’re out on the road. It all starts with safely installing the appropriate car seat;  here’s how to make…