Cowell Chiropractic Blog

The Perfect Sleep Position To Stop Hip Pain

The Perfect Sleep Position To Stop Hip Pain

Having hip pain that makes it almost impossible to fall asleep or wakes you up in the middle of the night is awful. This kind of pain could be the result of a variety of conditions, or it could simply be from the position you are lying in. If you are having hip pain at…

Acute vs. Chronic Neck Pain: How To Beat Both

Acute vs. Chronic Neck Pain: How To Beat Both

Pain when you rise in the morning. Stiffness and discomfort whenever you turn your head in the slightest. A searing referral of pain down your spine with the wrong movement. If you’re in a losing battle with neck pain, we know just how uncomfortable and interfering it can be in day-to-day life. When lingering irritation…

A Tingling Arm Could Indicate This Syndrome

A Tingling Arm Could Indicate This Syndrome

You know that persistent pins and needles feeling in your arm? It may not just be your arm just “falling asleep.” And, if it’s occurring along with a tingling sensation in your arm and fingers, a chronically achy shoulder and neck, along with the weakening ability to grip firmly, this combination of symptoms is likely…

A Holistic Approach To Weight Loss

A Holistic Approach To Weight Loss

Yo-yo dieting. Crash dieting. The inevitable new fad diet that storms onto the scene. If you’ve hopped on the diet train to lose weight only to gain it back, you’re not alone. Many people go all-in on a diet, see some relatively quick results…but then inevitably crash and burn later, oftentimes gaining everything back.  The…

5 Bad Habits That Cause Lower Back Pain

5 Bad Habits That Cause Lower Back Pain

If you suffer from nagging low back pain, you’re not alone. About 80% of the population experiences lower back pain, oftentimes keeping people away from work and the activities they love most. When lower back pain becomes chronic, it can feel like an annoying part of life that you just need to learn how to…

3 Common Injuries From Cycling – And How To Overcome Them

3 Common Injuries From Cycling – And How To Overcome Them

Cycling– particularly long distances– certainly has its upsides. It can be a killer cardiovascular workout. It’s relatively low-impact on your joints and bones. And, at times, it can even be quite social if you find a friend, riding partner, or group to pedal with. What’s not to love? If you’re enjoying going the distance on your…