Cowell Chiropractic Blog
Treating the Root Cause of Sinus Headaches
Pressure around your forehead and eyes. A dull, constant throbbing in your head. Sensitivity to the touch. Sinus headaches are not only incredibly uncomfortable and painful, but they have a way of disrupting your ability to focus on even simple day-to-day tasks. For many who suffer from sinus headaches, it’s easy to feel like you…
Back Surgery Alternatives
So, you were just recommended to consider back surgery. What now? Surgery can feel like a heavy word– and for good reason. Even when paired with the most accomplished surgeon, going under the knife carries a host of unknowns and potential complications. Yet, when your pain feels all-encompassing, anyone would want to find a solution…
Could Extremity Pain and Tingling Be Peripheral Neuropathy?
Tingling, numbness, pain, and sensitivity in your hands and feet don’t exactly inspire confidence in your health. These obnoxious symptoms get in the way of seemingly small trivial tasks, like opening that jar of pasta sauce. Or when heading out the door for your evening walk. This loss of control can feel unsettling, especially if…
What Chronic Headaches And Dizziness Could Really Mean
Headaches and migraines. Dizziness. Sinus pressure. Facial, neck, and ear pain. Many people live with these recurring nuisances and simply try to manage symptoms when they flare up, brushing them off as pesky, yet unavoidable, intruders— but don’t be too quick to dismiss them. Though many of these unwelcome symptoms may initially not sound like…
Use These Simple Remedies To Overcome Trigger Finger
Does your finger ever get “stuck” or feel locked up? It may happen during the simplest everyday tasks that used to be second nature– like tying a shoe or opening a can. Perhaps you hear some “clicking,” feel some discomfort, and then…it’s locked. If you’ve experienced this pesky phenomenon, you may have a condition that’s…
7 Common Causes Of Sciatica Pain
Constant hip pain. Pain and numbness that runs down the back of the legs. Pain and tingling in the center of your butt. If you can relate, chances are you’ve been suffering from sciatica pain on some level. Though sciatica pain is actually incredibly common, affecting around 40% of adults, it remains largely misunderstood. Why?…