Cowell Chiropractic Blog

What To Do When Psoas Muscle Stretches Don’t Help

What To Do When Psoas Muscle Stretches Don’t Help

You may have been experiencing pain and difficulty walking. You’ve been told that you have a tight psoas muscle and require certain stretching exercises to release the muscle and restore flexibility. In many cases, this is helpful advice and stretches are effective at loosening your psoas. However, psoas muscle stretches may not always work to…

Manual Therapy Techniques Explained

Manual Therapy Techniques Explained

You may be experiencing back or neck pain that is affecting your quality of life. Perhaps it’s from a car accident, a sports injury, or a work-related injury. Maybe it’s from a birth defect or a common result of aging. Regardless, something should be done to return you to a pain-free life. Most people automatically…

5 Ways to Naturally Heal Hip Bursitis

5 Ways to Naturally Heal Hip Bursitis

If you have hip bursitis, you know how painful it can be. You may find yourself constantly thinking about the pain, because it simply overwhelms your thoughts. So, how can you stop bursitis pain quickly and naturally? Many options suggested often involve medicines that simply aren’t good for your body and have numerous side effects.…

The Bedwetting Solution You Haven’t Considered

The Bedwetting Solution You Haven’t Considered

Most people associate chiropractors with back or neck problems, recognizing their ability to use hands-on manipulation to align the spine and musculoskeletal system to reduce or eliminate pain. While spinal manipulation can certainly help with adult back pain, it can do much more than that. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help some children…

5 Tips to Relieve Motorcycle Neck Pain

5 Tips to Relieve Motorcycle Neck Pain

Across the country, people take to their motorcycles to feel the wind on their face and the freedom of peeling across the asphalt under the warmth of the sun. For many people, riding their motorcycle is a much anticipated activity that is rivaled by nothing else. But for others, it’s a pain in the neck.…

Stretches to Relieve Pain in the Psoas Muscle

Stretches to Relieve Pain in the Psoas Muscle

The psoas (pronounced so-az) muscle is located in the pelvic region near the hip, connecting the upper thigh to the lower back. If not properly stretched, it can be blamed for numerous injuries and pain, including back, hip, and leg pain.  One of the main functions of the psoas is flexing the hip, so it…